
Arm Ukraine, zap Putin.

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JULIAN H. STACEY's Contact Page.

This is:

British flag

German flag

Via google
French flag

Via google
Other languages &
Other services
Business Card
(Blurred against spammers)
A big QR code of type vCard, ADDRESSBOOK, abridged to disrupt spammer harvesting.
How my QR codes are made.

VCard VCF (Virtual Contact File)

Vcards enable recipients to mouse klick your contact info direct into their address books, without them staring at your bulky grapical image, searching which text should be typed into which field of their address book.

Wikipedia articles on Vcard: Vcard-big-transp.png Example of my Vcard (abbreviated, as it is on web, a fuller one available by email): Never post a graphical image of your business card to a mail list, instead include a web ref to your card, or MIME attach a Vcard.

A program to export a phone book to VCF format.

Meet Over Coffee/ Beer.

If you want some free advice on some technical issue, best meet over a coffee/ beer at one of the various tech & social events I organise & attend, some linked at, probably easiest if you join me Here Most Weeks as unfortunately I don't often have free time to give advice, (unless you want paid Computer Consultancy).

ENGLISH + Deutsch/German + Francais/French

  • ENGLISH is my native language. I am British.
  • If you want help or info on numerous organisations & events I help organise free of charge, use English.
  • Deutsch: Ich spreche und schreibe Deutsch für Zahlender Kunden,
    Please Do Not Contact Me In German
    unless you will Pay me or my company or associates for computer consultancy.
    • I am fluent enough in German, but I get over saturated.
    • I am Not an enthusiastic linguist.
    • English is the language of my international computer industry.
    • Many problems discussed in German are also international problems, often already solved elsewhere. First check international mail list archives in English, before restricting your knowledge pool to German language.
    • With German tech. friends I often speak a 50/50 mix of English & German, as we are often both fluent enough in both languages.
  • Francais: Oui, Je comprend Francais (pas trop bien maintenant, malheuresement), mais je ne l'ecris pas, (ou parlez beaucoup normalement) - je nai pas la vitesse, les mots a souvene, mais c'est plus facile a lesez.

  Free Resources & Services

Commercial Computer Consultancy For Businesses

No Social Media !

  • This section needs to be merged with my FAQ mail response
  • Do not send me invitations to link via 3rd party web sites eg Facebook Linkedin Twitter etc. - My spam filter dumps such junk unseen.
  • I will happily cross link direct to _You_ if you mail me a URL (web ref.) to a useful Public page, but I will either not even see (filtered as spam), or will silently discard, & refuse to link to any monopoly privatising web sites such as facebook, that hide detail & contacts behind a requirement to join their site. -
    I support both Free Open Source and also the Open Internet, Not commercial companies carving the Internet into private exclusive fiefdoms.
  • Business contacts links may be here - later.
  • Do not send me greeting cards via web sites, or in flash, My spam filter dumps such junk unseen.
  • I support retaining information on the Public Open Internet, by not delivering Internet info into the hands of monopolists.
  • I avoid sites by eg Facebook Linkedin Twitter Run by would-be monopolists, trying to grab your & my readership, attention & fees & advertising revenue & circle of contacts, & trying to lock us into their private subset of the Internet.
  • I don't want & won't use :
    • Inane short tweets (as crippled as multiple SMS),
    • Pictures of immature adults being sick at parties
    • To follow pop stars, VIPs & politicians,
    • Lack of data security (I read first half of a Big heavy tech report on Facebook),
    • To give personal data to American corporations that obsess pontificating on ethics, but have little ethics, & are outside European law.
    • Web sites that force me to be online just to read or reply to mail.
    • Web sites that force me to be hostage to proprietary software that I don't control, don't trust, different for each company, upgraded to new version Not when it suits me & not when I have time to learn, just upgraded when it suits them ! ... Their software that would control & constrain how & if I read, reply, encrypt (Hah, As If!) & Secure (HAH! Even bigger joke!) My personal data & contact lists that they want to access to harvest & traffic analyse.
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