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Julian H. Stacey - Personal Profile

This is

My CV/ Resume/ Lebenslauf & Business profile
A big QR code of type vCard, ADDRESSBOOK, abridged to avoid spammers crawlers.
Julian H. Stacey, 1998_07_18 British British Flag

in Germany German Flag
Julian H. Stacey, 2014-01-11

My email addresses

Non Computing Interests:

Tobacco Smoke Causes Me Allergic Headaches

  • No Smoking I'm a Non smoker - Please Do not poison me with your drug addiction !
  • Nicotine drug addicts should keep down wind, or take snuff or chewing tobacco instead. - Please keep your poisonous smoker acquaintances well away from me, I really do not want to meet Any more smokers, ever. Those who poison my brain with their cancerous headache provoking smoke are liable to hostile vigorous response, to preserve my health.
Allergic to state religion & proselytisers !

Computing Interests:

  • I'm a C, Unix, & Systems Engineering Consultant in Munich Germany.
    I will Not work in tobacco smoke polluted offices.
  • Vector Systems Ltd
  • (small) business card Vector Systems Ltd is the computer consultancy I work with.
  • I'm always pleased to hear of new work opportunities smiley face icon ( developers always need new projects ). X-Windows, Internet, & Web system provision & support are among my interests.
  • Co-founder of both:
  • BSD Daemon from Kirk McKusick I use, recommend & contribute to FreeBSD (my local copy of FreeBSD's central development program source code is maintained current on a daily basis by automatically using `ctm_rmail' over the Internet smiling face symbol).
  • My public sources (BSD, X11, own).
  • I have numerous Unix (FreeBSD) PC's & had some rare systems: A PC532 (the world's best publicly documented computer). A Symmetric S375
  • Professionally, for customer projects, I use Unix (BSD, Linux etc) & X-Windows &/or real time operating systems, etc.
  • Tcl/TK Book i reviewed.
  • Equipment For Sale And/Or To Give Away
  • Intellectual Property Rights - Fight Software Patents
  • My Remote domains.
  • Where Don't You Want To Go Today ?

    • No Micro$oft MICROSOFT PRODUCTS (& Data in MS Formats) NOT USED & NOT WELCOME !
    • I avoid using MS-Dos & MS-Windows except perhaps using DOS once every few months, as a loader for hardware test/config programs.
    • I do not want to hear about DOS & MS-Windows viruses. - I'm Immune !
    • The leaked Microsoft Halloween documents.
    • The sooner the US Justice Dept invokes its Anti-Trust legislation to break up Microsoft into smaller competing units, the better; More choice, innovation, & some computer-architectural liberation from the stultifying Wintel mono-culture monopoly would be most welcome.
  • Where Do You Want To Escape Today ?
    • Free software, & particularly free source code, is anathema to Microsoft & other monopolies, because it permit competition & innovation, & allows people to more easily track viruses & fix bugs, rather than blindly trusting a Pandora's box of binaries from a monopolistic software pusher & it's allies.
    • Big software advertisers spend heavily on direct advertisements, & in indirect `puff` piece advertising in magazines, to discourage people from using free binary software, & even worse (from their perspective) having free source available with their binaries.
    • Free software projects have no budget to counter advertise their `products' against the one sided presentations & distortions of the advertisers; so it's up to user/purchasers to decide themselves whether to just believe the advertisers, or whether to also look at the free software alternatives.
    • Do not believe the trite argument that free software is not of professional quality. Free sourced software is often/usually software written & examined to high standards by professional programmers who dedicate precious free time to the task, in parallel to being employed on some other commercial job. A paid job requires professional quality within budget; but a highly interesting job that motivates unpaid work, is surely also a good motivation to quality work, & has less budget constraints.
    • Free source code enables you to be informed as to what's going on inside, but doesn't force you to know, & doesn't force you to hack your system to death ! It just lets you see what might be going wrong, & allows involved local repairers to fix things, in shorter timescales than un-involved remote major software publishers could hope to issue generic fixes.
    • Escape to a world of Free legal software, .
    • Business comparison of NT versus Unix .
  • A Munich Computer Club
    Various friends ask for help with their PCs, but I only touch PCs if they run Unix (eg BSD, Linux etc), for which we have a Munich BSD User Group : BIM , any PC running Microsoft DOS or Windows I refuse to touch. So as not to leave you abandoned, here's info about a local club I heard of (leaflet handed to me at the Elektronik Boerse, 1989). " Computer Anwender Club Muenchen e.V" meet: 3rd Tuesday each month Situli- Str 7, U6 Freimann, +49.89.32450092 (or 3). Postal adr. ACM eV, c/o Uli Ender, Lori- Str 20, 80335, +49.89.186186 They deal with PCs & Commodore etc. They also have at least one man who has an alternative to MS stuff. (Uli is now also a FreeBSD user).
  • The First Microprocessor In The World
    Not designed by Intel as assumed, Intel merely designed the first commercial microprocessor chip set. A MOS-LSI microprocessor chip set was designed June 1968 to June 1970 for the US Navy F14A swing wing Aircraft, by Garrett AiResearch Corp under contract from Grumman Aircraft. After some years of the planes being in use, the wing control verniers were discovered not to work, & only the micro switches as end stop detectors protected the plane from bisecting itself!
  • Last Century when I got on line:
    • 1991 I was @300 baud via Munich's Unix based net access group, discussing PC532
    • 1993 I ported programs as a Friday Pizza visitor to PCS Cadmus, & had QIC access to GNU GCC src tars smiley face icon
    • 1994 I took an unpaid occasional position as Sun support at the University CAD dept. in exchange for email access.
    • But I was also freelance & with the proceeds, in 1987 bought a Symmetric 375 (BSD 4.2 from Bill Jollitz who later did 386BSD ) & later Toshiba 1100+ 8086 laptop with 2 x 720K floppies. It ran MSDOS 3.2 & Minix 1-3?, I extended drivers from 360K to 720K. With Minix one could even vi a .c & compile simultaneously, if stickily & slowly
    • There's an annual Vintage Computer Fest in Munich

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