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German: Company offers consultants contact, Munich & Aachen (Germany), & Kent (England) since 1986. Some Associates German.

Computer Consultants Munich & Aachen (Germany), & Kent (England)

English: Company & some consultants British, American.
International English Support.
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BSD & Linux etc, Computer Systems Engineering, Design, Development, Internet Server Support & Rescue.

[Linux Logo] FSF Gnu Head


Especially useful for English & German speaking companies with German & English etc speaking customers &/or suppliers.

Support, Admin.

Unix & systems engineering consultants, BSD, Linux, Internet, C, X11, web, programming & admin., firewalls (passive or active ) telecom. & electronics design. Consultants inc. British, American & German. for Munich & Aachen (Germany), & Kent (England) on site & remote.
Consultants Computing, engineering & scientific. porting, customising, software tools. Real Time Industrial control, embedded, drivers. - Vector Systems Ltd, Our Consultants are independent & free to select best solutions for you: we receive no fees, bonuses, retainers, percentages, commitments etc with systems, hardware, services, or software etc suppliers.
Training Courses & Lectures; hands on supervision on site. Unix, BSD, Linux & public domain tools. Hours or weeks. English or German.
Manufacturer / Supplier
Support for remote international suppliers with customers in central Europe: Native English & German speakers. Vector Systems Ltd., Since 1986. Bridging distance, languages and mind sets. smiley face icon
24/7/365 &
Holiday Help
Remote global time zone & deadline support:
  USA & Canada: We help support your customers before your office re-opens.
  Mid East & Asia: We work on, after your support staff tire late at night.
  Oz & NZ: We code in Northern snows, while you holiday in sunny Phuket.
Hosting: Servers, Domains, Web, Mail Lists
Server hosting (Physical, Virtual & jails) via associate providers. Yours, or their PCs & Sun Sparcs Domain hosting, web & mail, virtual, jail & physical stand alone domain servers, + resilience through clustered servers, (BSD configuration & hosting). Geographically dispersed servers: more resilient to have one of your corporate cluster in another part of the global Internet. Email List Hosting - ( For out-sourcers, Not spammers! ).
Data Recovery & Conversion Floppy, ls120, dat, qic, cd, dvd, hard disk, usb, sd, ufs (BSD Unix), fat (MS), ext2 (Linux), ntfs (MS), etc.!
Boot Media
Bootable BSD Cdroms & USB sticks with your application.
BSD Config
PC hardware selection & BSD installation for server & client systems, + office software & data conversion.
Scanjet Conversion
HP Network Scanjet conversions from NT server dependent to self sufficient with FreeBSD.
Counter Attack
Passive defences (firewalls, active filters, honey pots) merely limit & detect attacks. Active counter attack systems Deter.
MED Editor MED is an editor familiar to German CAD industry (PCS Cadmus).
Translations Embedding translations into in multi- lingual programs.
Enquiries Specialists Munich & Aachen (Germany), Kent (England), Tucson, Johannesburg.
Project Leader: Business Card ,   Phone ,   Email Email jhs@ (not jhs_ERASE_@) enquiry Now, or Address for later.
Company: Contact ,   Associates: BSD (.com) BSD (.eu), & Engineering & Business

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